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RE & Collective Worship

Religious Education

At St Michael’s, our vision is at the core of everything we do; we foster spiritual and moral development within a caring Christian community and the principles of Christian education form the bedrock of our school.  Yet, we champion the religious freedom of each individual within our school community, a principle evident not only in our RE curriculum but also ingrained in the overarching vision and ethos of our school.

Religious Education (RE) is designed to enhance children's religious literacy through effective curriculum planning and high-quality teaching. Whilst collective worship at the school is based on Christian traditions, RE teaches children about the similarities and differences between all the major world faiths and it provides a safe space for pupils to critically reflect on their own religious, spiritual or philosophical convictions.

We want children to be religiously literate as that enables children to:

  • hold a well-informed conversation
  • develop an aptitude for dialogue
  • have greater awareness of the world in which we live
  • develop their own views and opinions based on knowledge and understanding, with a respect that others will think differently to them
  • understand, interpret and evaluate texts, sources of wisdom and authority and other evidence

We strive to inspire courage in our children, encouraging them to be passionate advocates for causes that hold personal or global significance. Top of Form

Events such as Remembrance, other religious festivals as well as regular visits to our local church ensure that pupils can enjoy first-hand experiences of religious practice.

Collective Worship

At St Michael's, we gather every day for a special time of worship. It's a time when all of us, both students and teachers, come together to learn and reflect. Although our collective worship is distinctly Christian in nature; there is freedom within both prayer and reflection times to worship in other ways. Our nurturing ethos rooted in God’s value enables all members of our school community to thrive and flourish, becoming compassionate and responsible members of society.

Our pattern of weekly worship is as follows:


‘Big’ Assembly with Infants and Juniors using Picture News incorporating current issues in the World with values/Bible verse

Head / Deputy or SLT


Lower School assembly based on values theme

Upper School Music Assembly

Teachers according to rota

Music Teacher


Lower School Music Assembly

Upper School Assembly based on values theme

Music Teacher

Teachers according to rota


In class - focus on other festivals from other faiths

All teachers


‘Big’ Assembly with Infants, Juniors and Reception with Praise assembly focusing on key themes linked to the liturgical calendar

Clergy plus member of SLT















Our Worship Policy follows the guidelines of the Education Acts of 1944 and 1988, and it aligns with the tenets of the Church of England as stated in our trust deed.